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폭신한 팬케이크에 커스터드 크림을 바르고 윗면을 그을린 크렘 브륄레 팬케이크를 만들었어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click...
Digestive Biscuits are a staple in Britain but you could use any simple biscuit to flavour your ice cream. Give it a go! And then ...
Vlog! Favorite e.l.f. products, Glossier haul, maskne?! & more. If you're new ➫ hit the 🔔 & subscribe to be notified when I upload...
Here is episode 2 of my monthly series of featuring my 5 favorite basic and common houseplants, or what Sharina likes to call it, ...
In this tutorial Oana shows you how to crochet a lovely ribbed knitted like hat for him subscribe to my channel so you won't miss ...
Hey guys!! In today’s video I wanted to show you what I recently purchased from Colourpop! As soon as I saw their “Sweet Talk” Spr...
構って欲しくてデスクの前を行ったり来たりするボス吉です。 PCの作業に集中していてしばらくボス吉に気が付かない時は、にゃ~!と甘えた声で鳴いて気付かせます。 まさかあの最強のボス猫が、こんなに甘えん坊さんだったなんて‥
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