Jeffree Star CREMATED Palette REVIEW... Yikes! | NikkieTutorials

by NikkieTutorials

Jeffree Star CREMATED Palette REVIEW... Yikes! | NikkieTutorials


Jeffree Star is at it again With his new Cremated Eyeshadow Palette a lot of people have had a lot of opinions This all grey eyeshadow palette definitely is the talk of the town and today I m taking it for a ride What do I think of the drama is the quality any good LET S FIND OUT TOGETHER Enjoy and don t forget to thumbs up and SUBSCRIBE LET S BECOME FRIENDS OTHER VIDEOS YOU CAN CHECK OUT Disclaimer This video is NOT sponsored All thoughts mentioned are my own No affiliate links are used Honesty is key on my channel thank you for supporting me ʕ ᴥ ʔ I love you




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