Маникюр Ледяные вензеля гель л...
В этом видео мы сделаем винтажный дизайн ногтей “ледяные вензеля, с помощью гель лака, техники дизайна ногтей бархатный песок и же...
If there s one thing you should know about me it s that I cannot live without my jewelry I express myself through my jewels because each piece tells a different story In today s vlog I ll give you a rundown of my favorite Royal Gem pieces teach you how to grow your collection how to style them and so much more I hope you enjoy my dears Here s a list of the pieces I used in the video 1 White Gold Stud Earrings 2 Yellow Gold Hoop Earrings 3 Two Toned Dia Cut Hoop Earrings 4 Tru Radiance Diamond Stud Earrings 5 White South Sea Pearl Stud Earrings6 Golden South Sea Pearl Dangling Earrings Necklace1 Tauco Gold ChainsRing1 Italian or Saudi Gold RingsLOVE MARIE ONGPAUCO ESCUDERO known in the Philippine entertainment industry as Heart Evangelista started her career at the age of 13 as a commercial model and actress Her 20 years of hard work paved way to numerous acting and hosting projects and awards Through the years she has evolved from being a professional actor and television host to a sought after international and local brand endorser sold out visual artist best selling author fashion influencer beauty icon and entrepreneur She is one of the country s most recognized celebrities and advocates for children s health and education individuals with special needs and animal welfare She wishes to share these passions to the world through this platform SHOP Shop my collaboration with Kamiseta Shop my jewelry line with Royal Gem RECENTLY Dear Heart ft My Sister Ate Cam Kasanggayahan Festival 2019 Highlights FOLLOW ME INQUIRIES hello lovemarieescudero com HeartEvangelista
В этом видео мы сделаем винтажный дизайн ногтей “ледяные вензеля, с помощью гель лака, техники дизайна ногтей бархатный песок и же...
提供:ラクマ ラクマのダウンロードはこちら(iOS・Android) http://bit.ly/2FriuX8 招待コード:vm3Uz 招待コードの入力で100ポイントもらえます。 出品しているアイテムはラクマで「よきき」で検索!
To take your capsule wardrobe from summer to fall, here are 4 tips: - layering (over and under existing clothes) - playing with fa...
【 UVレジン】
四月にチャットちゃんから生まれた子猫のカイラテももう生後四ヶ月になりました。 元気に遊ぶ動画を頂きましたので使わせていただきます、ありがとうございます! インスタグラムhttps://www.instagram.com/pontaxponta
皆様いつもご視聴、コメントありがとうございます! 私の事を大切に思ってくれているファンの皆様にいつも感謝しています❤️私はいつも皆さんを大切に思ってます。 楽しんで動画を観て頂ければ嬉しいです❤️
作り置き出来る低糖質ダイエットレシピ3品の紹介です♥ ●高野豆腐の肉詰め煮物●こんにゃくのコロコロステーキ●マグロの味噌焼きゴマまみれ お弁当のおかずにもピッタリです♪参考になれば幸いです(*´ω`*)
Toby (7.5 months old now) playing with his favorite toy and even makes Timo playing too ;) Music: Magical Night, OurMusicBox
▼チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします! http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKz1Z...
今日はHalloween感たっぷりの音楽で2種類のネイルデザインを紹介^^ おばけネイルはどんなコスプレにもあいやすいし、ミラーパウダーを使えばとっても可愛くおしゃれに目立てるかも♡
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