Jewelry supplies haul | AliExpress | Распаковка посылок. Материалы для рукоделия

by Hobby Point by Anastasiya

Jewelry supplies haul | AliExpress | Распаковка посылок. Материалы для рукоделия


Jewelry supplies haul EXPAND FOR MORE DETAILS In this video I will unpack some orders from Ali Express and will share with you my opinion on the devilvered items As usual with online shopping some items are good and worth ordering and some well it s better to avoid them _______________________________________________________You can support my channel by watching ads subscribing to my channel hitting Like button and sharing the video leaving your comments under the video_______________________________________________________Links _______________________________________________________If you ve enjoyed the tutorial hit the like button under the video and subscribe to my channel not to miss the next video hobbypoint needletatting supplieshaul



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提供:イニスフリー (※この動画は店舗協力をいただき細心の注意を払いながら撮影をしています。) 今回はお久しぶりのshoppingに行けるということでvlogみたいにしてみた💓 ずっとネットで色々買ってたから実際に店舗に行って試してみると、欲しい欲が倍増したよ...