Rich Ganache Soft Chocolate Ba...
We tried making this recipe and the chocolate bar shape is cute. As it is eaten cool like a rich ganache, it is perfect for the su...
凱文前一陣子去了美國LA 到了有SEPHORA的地方我怎麼可以放過呢 這次買了許多網路討論度超高的彩妝品 要跟你們一起開箱分享 Kevin的SEPHORA開箱清單表 URBAN DECAY 1 MOONDUST 眼影盤2 Weightless Complete Coverage 遮瑕膏3 限量版 HEAVY METALSMetallic 眼影盤4 Moondust Eyeshadow 單顆眼影5 Urban Decay Liquid Moondust Eyeshadows 液態眼影6 Urban Decay Setting Spray 定妝噴霧 Too Faced 1 MELTED MARRE 唇釉2 PEACH LIP GLOSS3 MELTED 氣墊唇彩 ANASTASIA BEVERLY HILLS 1 Aurora Glow Kit2 Moonchild Glow Kit 月光仙子打亮盤3 Contour Cream Kit 遮瑕膏盤4 DIPBROW Pomade 眉膠 Hourglass 1 Ambient Lighting Powder2 Ambient lighting blush 柔光亮顏腮紅2 Vanish Seamless Finish Foundation Stick 粉條 Kat Von D 1 Saint Sinner Eyeshadow Palette 眼影盤2 Everlasting Mini Liquid Lipstick Set 迷你液態唇釉 ColourPop 1 Semi Precious Shadow Palette 眼影盤2 Super Shock Shadow 膏狀眼影有任何問題都可以到粉絲團跟我分享喔 我是Kevin 這裡是我的官方youtube頻道 分享許多我的美妝趨勢 時尚訊息生活影音 有任何問題都可以到以下社群做發問喔
We tried making this recipe and the chocolate bar shape is cute. As it is eaten cool like a rich ganache, it is perfect for the su...
i made Doraemon Chocolate Cake with Surprise Eggs Chocolate(i recieved from Japanese stuff channel yesterday);) we can make this c...
ひときわ暑い今年の夏に、一ヶ月以上も遅くなったプール開き。 待ちかねたアニューからは矢の催促。 スプリンクラーの部品がどっかいってて、まだ完成ならず。
鮮嫩多汁羊肉創意新吃法 ❤️ 小編一口接一口停不下來了(✪ω✪)
In this video I show you how to do this fast, simple DIY project to make a lovely, minimalist autumn wreath
提供 : koala マットレス
My most requested video yet! Yep ever since you guys have spotted those gorgeous new Crushed Liquid Lip formulas, I have had so ma...
Day 17 of the Holiday Card Series 2018. The series consists of 25 holiday card videos on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each wee...
上衣是Uniqlo童裝, 喜歡卡通T的人去Unilqo找準沒錯! 今天用不同的相機 收音怪怪的 聲音變好低沉喔嗚嗚嗚 -- 影片中提到的東西: 米麥片 THE LAUNDRESS Baby liquid concentrate detergent Met...
▼ ▽You can easily support me and my channel by checking out my merch! T-shirts, hoodies, mugs, etc with the designs "#relaxyourhan...
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