Five things to do with extra pizza dough

by Adam Ragusea

Five things to do with extra pizza dough


DOUGH RECIPE MAKES ENOUGH FOR FOUR PIZZAS 2 1 4 cups 530 ml warm water1 tbsp sugar 12g sugar1 tbsp 9g active dry yeast2 tbsp 30 ml olive oil1 tbsp 18 g kosher salt5 cups 600g bread flour plus more for working the doughadditional oil for greasing the doughStart the dough by combining the water sugar and yeast in a large bowl and let sit for a few minutes If the yeast goes foamy it s alive and you re good to proceed if it doesn t it s dead and you need new yeast Add the olive oil and salt and 5 cups 600g of bread flour Mix until just combined then start kneading Add just enough additional flour to keep the dough workable i e not too sticky and kneed until you can stretch some of the dough into a thin sheet without it tearing NOTE You will probably need to add a lot more flour The quantity I give here is just a base line to get your started Divide the dough into four equal balls and put them in four containers ideally glass and lightly coat the balls and the interior of their containers with olive oil Cover and either rise at room temperature for two hours or put them in the refrigerator and let them rise for 1 7 days I prefer the long cold rise




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