柴犬小春 寒天かさ増しメニューでもワクワクしてくれる柴犬【A...
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This week I m testing out bookbinding spacers and corner cutters to see if they save time Typo correction at 4 05 16mm should be 6mm sorry Audio note Sorry about the hissing s sounds in this video SHOPSEtsyBrazilFor 3D PrintingSUPPLIES SHOWN IN THIS VIDEORELATED VIDEOSBookbinding Supplies Substitutes TipsTesting We R Memory Keepers Bookbinding GuideDIY Hardcover Case Bound BookDIY Holo Hardcover NotebookDollar Store Hardcover Planner MakeoversDIY Secret Belgian BookbindingFOLLOW MESHOP Purchases from these sites help support my efforts to make more creative content on the internet Thank you PO BOXSea Lemon1776 N Scottsdale Rd 1333Scottsdale AZ 85257USABUSINESS INQUIRIESheysealemon at gmail comMY FILMING EQUIPMENT MUSIC CREDITSDISCLAIMERS
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【 UVレジン&アルミホイル】 中に封入した砕いたレジンの良い方法を 視聴者さんから教えていただきました(^-^) コメント欄に固定してありますのでご覧ください! そして、レジン液の色が作りたい色より薄かったので、封入したレッドとコバルトブルー・ブラック、ベー...
Seriously, watch to see THE coolest thing you’ll ever do with… DRYER LINT! Cathie & Steve share the magic behind how to create fau...
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Thank you all for watching. Also, thanks in advance for writing your opinions. Ingredients Used, 1. Chicken 2. Curd 3. Green chili...
Missing Dog Reunites With Family A YEAR Later | This dog is about to reunite with her family after she was missing for over a YEAR...
햇 고구마로 만든 달콤한 크림과 쫄깃한 크레이프를 층층이 쌓아 고구마 크레이프 케이크를 만들었어요! ▼▽▼▽구독하고~ 좋아요!누르고 공유 부탁드려요!^^▼▽▼▽ 더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥Fo...
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