141 The Cactus and Succulent Society of Australia 2019 Competition

by Cerriscapades

141 The Cactus and Succulent Society of Australia 2019 Competition


LET S PLANT EP 141 The Cactus and Succulent Society of Australia 2019 CompetitionIt s finally here This is the full video containing the clips that I filmed during this year s competition If you were wondering about how the judging process is handled you can watch one of the previous episodes EP 139 The competition is divided into 2 divisions 1 Novice members who have been in the society for 1 4 years you can only join the competition after being a member for a year 2 Open members who have been in the society for 5 or more yearsThe competition is divided into multiple classes Each division has Novice and Open version there is also a division where both types of members can participate the classes marked 5xx and 6xx towards the end For your convenience here s timestamps of each class in the video NOVICE00 00 48 Astrophytum00 02 20 Copiapoa00 03 30 Echinopsis Lobivia Hybrids00 05 22 Trichocereus and other cereoids00 06 33 Echinocereus00 07 03 Ferocactus00 07 33 Echinocactus Leuchtenbergia00 08 24 Gymnocalycium00 10 02 Mammillaria single body dichotomous00 11 33 Mammillaria multiheaded clumping under 16cm00 14 06 Mammillaria multiheaded clumping over 16cm00 16 02 Melocactus00 16 32 Eriosyce group00 17 03 Parodia Notocactus group00 18 34 Rebutia group00 19 04 Ariocarpus group00 19 55 Grafted cactus00 20 25 Monstrose crested cactus00 21 36 Variegated cactus00 22 07 Any other cactus00 23 18 Agave00 25 11 Aloe species00 28 04 Aloe hybrid cultivar00 29 35 Asclepiad non caudex forming00 30 46 Pachycaul00 31 17 Caudex other than pachycaul00 32 48 Caudex under 10cm00 33 18 Adromischus00 35 30 Crassula00 40 04 Echeveria under 14cm00 41 36 Echeveria over 14cm00 44 49 Sedum Sempervivum00 47 21 Aeonium00 48 32 Euphorbia globose00 49 03 Euphorbia shrubby sprawling00 51 56 Haworthia over 16cm00 52 26 Haworthia under 16cm00 55 42 Gasteria00 57 14 Hybrids of Haworthia Gasteria00 57 44 Lithops Conophytum Argyroderma Pleiospilos Dintheranthus00 58 00 Other mesembryanthemums00 58 30 Variegated Agave Aloe00 59 21 Variegated other than Agave Aloe01 04 15 Monstrose crested succulents01 07 49 Other succulentsOPEN01 15 50 Astrophytum01 17 22 Copiapoa01 18 12 Echinopsis Lobivia Hybrids01 19 13 Trichocereus and other cereoids01 19 33 Echinocereus01 20 04 Ferocactus01 21 15 Echinocactus Leuchtenbergia01 21 45 Gymnocalycium01 23 57 Mammillaria single body dichotomous01 25 29 Mammillaria multiheaded clumping under 16cm01 27 20 Mammillaria multiheaded clumping over 16cm01 28 11 Melocactus01 29 42 Eriosyce group01 30 53 Parodia Notocactus group01 32 25 Rebutia group01 33 56 Ariocarpus group01 35 48 Grafted cactus01 36 59 Monstrose crested cactus01 39 11 Variegated cactus01 39 41 Any other cactus01 40 58 Agave01 41 49 Aloe species01 43 20 Aloe hybrid cultivar01 44 31 Caudex other than pachycaul01 46 03 Caudex under 10cm01 46 33 Adromischus01 50 21 Crassula01 53 59 Echeveria under 14cm01 55 33 Echeveria over 14cm01 57 15 Sedum Sempervivum01 59 14 Aeonium02 07 22 Euphorbia globose02 01 51 Euphorbia shrubby sprawling02 05 04 Euphorbia caudex02 06 12 Haworthia over 16cm02 07 50 Haworthia under 16cm02 11 11 Gasteria02 12 20 Hybrids of Haworthia Gasteria02 13 00 Lithops Conophytum Argyroderma Pleiospilos Dintheranthus02 15 22 Other mesembryanthemums02 17 16 Variegated Agave Aloe02 18 11 Variegated other than Agave Aloe02 23 17 Monstrose crested succulents02 25 04 Other succulentsMIXED02 25 59 Dish garden under 20cm02 29 57 Dish garden over 20cm02 34 02 Unusual humorous containers02 34 16 Hanging basket02 35 25 3 cacti same genus under 14cm02 35 37 3 succulents same genus under 14cm02 35 49 PhotographsTitle and ending music Open Those Bright Eyes Kevin MacLeod incompetech com Licensed under Creative Commons By Attribution 3 0 LicenseI am on Patreon Plant Shop AU only Please check out my other accounts Awesome music thanks to EpidemicSoundSign up for an EpidemicSound subscription using my referral link to get a month free



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