Cute Halloween Monster Brownie...
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天然石ネイル 白黒グレーのジェルで作っています クラッシュホロは大きめのものを使用すると良いと思いますよ ラメはつけすぎると汚く見えてしまうので 今回つけすぎた気がします 少量で良さそうです ˆ ˆ 他にもたくさんのネイルを紹介しています 気になるものがありましたら是非 ご覧くださいね ニュアンスシェルネイル PINK NAIL 天然石ネイル ニュアンスネイル 100均
Grab the RECIPE here:
大家戴眼鏡會化粧嗎? 常常聽到人說戴眼鏡就不用化粧了!但我完全不認為!! 👉今天跟大家分享一些近期愛用好物、還有常化的眼鏡妝容❤ (戴眼鏡也可以化粧,還是會有明顯得差異!千萬別戴眼鏡就邋遢了~讓眼睛休息的同時也可以愛漂亮呀!)
SO MANY requests to talk about the new Beauty Blender foundation & since the MUFE Matte Velvet Skin foundation is so similar... mi...
I love making these videos, they are some of the first types of videos I ever made on my channel, so they are a bit of a tradition...
노을이가 요즘 심심하가봐요 외출을 시도하는 노을이 마당있는 집으로 이사가야 하나요? 수리노을 고양이가족의 탐묘생활
Hi everyone! Here's my January Plan With Me video! Hope you enjoy it!
In episode three of my series on painting watercolor flowers, I'll show you how to paint this delicate branch with leaves and blos...
A quick and fun project - Make a costume in one 1 challenge, idea proposed by Kirilee Cosplay ( check out her channel! ). Look o...
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