カワウソ劇場 魔法少女
The is a classic version of the French cabbage soup soup aux choux where fresh cabbages are blanched sliced and cook with smoked pork belly and chicken stock chunky pieces of cabbage and smoked pork belly really give that soup its character Ingredients 1 medium size cabbage savoy or white cabbage 300 grams of smoked pork belly1 medium size carrot1 onion3 cloves2 litres 8 cups of clear chicken stock or 2 liters of water 1 tablespoon of buttersalt and pepper for seasoning4 slices of Bread oven toasted and cut in chunks To make the chicken stock watch that video You can use water instead of stock to make the soup but you will not get the same flavors i recommended you use stock to get the fully hearty flavours soupe au choux is one of the most iconic french soup there is and makes a return when cabbages are in season and the temperature outside gets colder Soupe au choux cabbage soup easy and healthy French soup for winter Cookware I used in this video WRITTEN RECIPES ARE ON MY WEBSITE My Filming equipment Video camera Microphone IF YOU LIKE WATCHING MY VIDEOS PLEASE CONSIDER ONE OF THE OPTIONS BELOW It really helps support the channel Spread the word about the channel and the website Check my Amazon cookware page affiliate link Join the Kitchen brigade by signing up on my Patreon page Take a look a the recipes to my website
ピーマンを選んだあなたにおすすめ!副菜レシピはこちらです! 「ピーマンとえのきの塩昆布バター炒め」
안녕하세요 밤하느리입니다 :) 예전에도 기다려훈련 잘했지만 요즘들어 더 차분해진 행성이를보고 영상을 안찍을수가 없었어요~ 바스락 거리는 소리만 들어도 점프하고 달려들던게 꽤나 오랫동안 갔거든요~ 뭣보다 뒷다리쓰는게 제일 걱정이었어요 ...
寿司屋の仕込みの一部始終を動画で紹介しています よろしければチャンネル登録お願いします
What's up Bootches, I'm here and I'm taking over! xx's ~ Boobra 😇 HALO Before & After PHOTOS HERE » » » https://halobeauty.com/pag...
hi hoomans! im rufus p goodboy and dis my yootoob channel! i has lottsa videos of doggos, good bois, cats, sleepys bois, fat bois,...
Hey guys! This video is all about DIY Bookmarks & Watercolor DIY Techniques for Beginners! Perfect for book lovers & for Back to S...
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