My Last 5 Beauty Purchases (Fo...
For all the products that are featured in this film click on the links below: 100% of advertising revenue is donated to charity. F...
Kitchen cooks 10 000 portions per day Vietnamese street food Nothing special about this food except the massive amount of food sold making 1 500 revenue per day The first vietnamese street food place sells over 10000 portions per day during 12 hours of operation The second place is an occasional kitchen which is open during weekend outdoor market only They sells 5 000 pieces per day too
For all the products that are featured in this film click on the links below: 100% of advertising revenue is donated to charity. F...
使っている材料、道具の紹介。 冷凍ラズベリーピューレ
In this special episode of Où Se Trouve with Candylabs, we are making a detailed and intricate design. This episode’s candy will f...
【激変】 メイク | ハロウィン #2
妳們可曾想過跟身邊的姊妹們到底熟不熟 這次找了室友小牛鬧場 邊敷臉邊進行熟悉度大挑戰! 快問快答實在是讓人有夠緊張 來看看我們平常生活到底有多鬧 又到底多瞭解對方吧 先說好 我們沒作弊! 只有害怕想不出自己的回答 就先寫下了自己的答案😂
Reference link :
This Winter 2020, the Zuhair Murad woman slips into a rich, diverse sense of bohemia, inspired both by the Seventies and her own g...
子猫リクは元気すぎ🎵 リリ姉ちゃんと遊んだから、次は誰と遊ぼうかなぁ~♪
100円SHOPで購入してきた多肉植物の苗を使って 購入後のKOBI風お世話のポイントを♪ ご質問の多かった農薬の使い方や 遮光シェードの事もお話させて頂いています。 説明に使用した100均多肉苗は 涼しげなベラボンで仕立てました。
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