Koreas Favorite Fish: Mackerel! (2 Recipes)

by Future Neighbor

Koreas Favorite Fish: Mackerel! (2 Recipes)


View written recipe To be uploaded in 24 hours Daniel shows you how to make Korean Grilled Mackerel This is a very common homecooking dish in Korea Pacific Mackerel is light white fish that s rich in omega 3 Best of all its cheap too Great to include as part of a balanced diet I grew up eating it at least once a week I also show you how to make Braised Mackerel with Radish This is a savory dish where we braise mackerel and radish in a flavored soy sauce broth The result is what we call a rice killer See video for more Drop us a request for a particular dish Or stop by and say Hi Music by Ukiyo



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