Lööpïë | WATC 592

by BigCatDerek

Lööpïë | WATC 592


In today s WATC Rasa is a cougar Wren really brings it Tiger proofing Who s the best girl Follow BigCatDerek BigCatDerek Merchandise RINGTONES Search Big Cat Derek on iTunes mobile AND Google Play Follow CARE About Hi my name is Derek Krahn and I m the Operations Director for the Center for Animal Research and Education CARE a non profit big cat sanctuary in Texas That s where I got the idea for the name BigCatDerek As you can probably already tell I m not that creative I ve been working with big cats for over ten years and I consider these big fuzzy beasts to be my dear friends Most of my content is lighthearted unscripted and minimally edited dialogue in the CARE compound meaning I like to walk around and talk to myself while I film my big cat friends I guess I do vlogs but I m not very vloggy if that makes any sense That s not to say that I have anything against more vlogier vloggers or that my style of un vloggy vlogging is superior to more vloggy vlogging I m just trying to say that my inherent sense of vloginess is what it is Anyway hope you like the vids Derek



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