doodling on alcohol inks and testing out all my markers !

by creationsceecee

doodling on alcohol inks and testing out all my markers !


which marker is the best to doodle over alcohol inks on yupo paper i tested all my markers to find out list of markers below email catherine creationsceecee com for inquiries about original artwork for sale alcoholink tutorial how to markers ONLINE CLASSES AVAILABLE MARKERS TESTED SAKURA IDENTI PEN PERMANENTfaber castell pitt artist pen smudgessakura pigma micron smudgescopic multiliner SP smudgescopic multiliner smudgesSAKURA MICROPERM PERMANENTYASUTOMO PERMAWRITER PERMANENTuni ball deluxe micro smudgespilot multi ball smudgesartist s loft illustration pen smudgespentel pocket brush smudgesUNI BALL POSCA PAINT PERMANENTSHARPIE PAINT OIL BASED PERMANENTSHARPIE PAINT WATER BASED PERMANENTPILOT SILVER MARKER PERMANENTkuretake silver brush smudgesKURETAKE ZIG PAINTY GOLD SILVER PERMANENTMOLOTOW LIQUID CHROME PERMANENTSAKURA GOLD PEN TOUCH PERMANENTPÉBÉO 4 ARTIST MARKER OIL BASED PERMANENTLIQUITEX PAINT MARKER PERMANENTUNI BALL POSCO PERMANENTPILOT JUICE PAINT PEN doesn t smudge but not opaqueSHARPIE PAINT PEN WATER BASED NOT PERMANENT OPAQUESHARPIE PAINT PEN OIL BASED doesn t smudge but not opaqueUNI BALL POSCA PAINT PERMANENT WHERE I SHOP my specific brush recommendations at www thebrushguys com FOLLOW ME MUSIC IN THIS VIDEO PO BOX Créations CeeCee54 Cité des JeunesSuite 102B 347Vaudreuil Dorion QCJ7V 9L5




  • by Maria Raczynska 2064

* ARCHES冷壓300lb水彩紙9X12尺寸* HOLBEIN水彩畫:Viridian色相,鈷綠松石燈,綠松石藍色,海洋藍色,靛藍色,黃色白堊白色