Life-Changing MALAYSIAN FOOD - Smoked Duck Curry in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia!

by Mark Wiens

Life-Changing MALAYSIAN FOOD - Smoked Duck Curry in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia!


During my trip to Malaysia this was definitely one of the best meals if not one of the best meals of my life Itik Salai Masthar When I visited Kuala Lumpur I reached out on social media asking where to eat the best Malaysian food A few of your recommended a restaurant known as Itik Salai Masthar famous for their Malaysian style smoked duck curry The display of ducks hanging over the grill was enough to force me to go straight to the restaurant without even thinking about it We got there early in order to film some of the ducks before they opened and I m glad we arrived early because they were all so nice and showed us the entire process of how they make the duck curry The ducks and meats are smoked then chopped up into bite sized pieces then cooked in a spicy coconut milk curry called Masak Lemak Cili Padi One of the key herbal ingredients is turmeric leaf If you re looking for some of the best Malaysian food in Kuala Lumpur it s actually just outside of KL go straight to Itik Salai Masthar it will blow your taste buds Total price 50 RM 12 15 for everythingCAMERA GEAR I used to make this video these are affiliate links FOLLOW Thank you for watching



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