#QueenaMakeup 訂閱Queena安安兒►http://bit.ly/2Z1kjUf
Hey loves Have you ever wanted to find a less drying version of Mac s Ruby Woo or been curious about the Lisa Eldridge lipsticks that instantly became a huge hit If so you re in luck because that s what this video is about I ve been lusting after this shade for almost a year since she announced them and it finally restocked after something like 8 months of waiting You better believe I woke up at 6 am to buy it THANK YOU SO MUCH TO MY LOVELY FRIEND SELMA FOR TURNING ME ON TO THESE LIPSTICKS LOVE YOU HBIBA In this video I record my first application first impressions swatch it against every other red lipstick in my collection then compare it on the lips to ruby woo For years I ve been searching for a lipstick that has the color of ruby woo without the drying chalk formula Will this be it Stay tuned to find out timestamps below Timestamps 2 03 Close Up Lip Swatch First Impressions 4 20 Swatching all my red lipsticks for comparisons7 10 First impressions conclusion thoughts10 59 Ruby Woo lip swatching comparing11 16 Final Thoughts ConclusionProducts Mentioned Lisa Eldridge Velvet Ribbon Mac Ruby Woo Charlotte Tilbury Red Carpet Red Nars Jungle Red recently discontinued pulled from sephora reformulated Kaja Satin SheetsMy personal instagram My makeup youtube content instagram Thank you so much for watching If you feel like it I so appreciate ever person who likes comments and or subscribes
#QueenaMakeup 訂閱Queena安安兒►http://bit.ly/2Z1kjUf
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