Livestream 1 | Basics with Babish

by Binging with Babish

Livestream 1 | Basics with Babish




(242) Chain pull technique _ B...

  • by Designer Gemma77 1149

I experiment with new acrylic pouring techniques and show you on YouTube. Thank you very much for watching my video. You can help...


  • by 鴨鴨彩妝Ya Ya Makeup Lab 959

身為一個肉圓臉..研究怎麼讓臉變小是重要的課題XD 深色修容雖然感覺效果明顯,但也容易失敗或是反效果,今天跟大家分享幾個不修容也可以讓臉變小的小技巧~~