Long and short stitches (in detail)

by Malina GM Embroidery

Long and short stitches (in detail)


Long and short stitches in detail malina_gm top embroideryFabric cottonthread China relief thread or DMC with silk shine Needles small 3 5 cm or needles for embroidery with beadsHoop diameter 21 cmFor petals 4 or 5 shades of pink colour Start embroidery middle of petalAdd guideline stitches across the rowGo back and fill in between stitches Thanks for the like and subscription Subscribe not to miss interesting Related videos I can be found here facebook instagram Pinterest TikTokusermalina_gm




  • by RyuzoArts 692

我が家のモチの妖精達は、遊びすぎたようです。 追いかけっこしたり、小松菜ムシャったり、人間にじゃれついたりしてましたからねぇ。 とっても眠そう…。飼い主も眠い…。