Celeste Wu 大沛 | Love 3CE系列 眼影腮...
字幕由[Wallaby]認領編輯^^ FB粉絲團 https://goo.gl/3buH6u 有聽覺障礙的觀眾朋友提出希望有字幕,我也希望可以加上字幕讓有這方面需求的朋友可以更方便,但是因為我實在沒有時間可以加字幕,所以希望麻煩有時間的觀眾朋友如果願意的話幫忙...
Jenny demonstrates how to make a pretty quilt with spools of thread and hourglasses using 10 inch squares of precut fabric layer cakes We used Collection for a Cause Heritage 10th Anniversary Layer Cake by Howard Marcus for Moda Fabrics
字幕由[Wallaby]認領編輯^^ FB粉絲團 https://goo.gl/3buH6u 有聽覺障礙的觀眾朋友提出希望有字幕,我也希望可以加上字幕讓有這方面需求的朋友可以更方便,但是因為我實在沒有時間可以加字幕,所以希望麻煩有時間的觀眾朋友如果願意的話幫忙...
Waiting for the New Year! I have already been presented with a couch in the form of a Christmas deer of Santa Claus. 🦌✨🎅🏻
One makeup look that has gone absolutely viral is the flawless matte, neutral eyes paired up with glowy/dewy skin and nude lined, ...
ツイッターとインスタもよろしくね↓ ★twitter https://twitter.com/saraparin
My original designs are free to use in all your personal work for craft fairs and art shows however if you are to copy them for s...
こんにちは、めぐみんです( ^ω^ )⭐ 今日は「めぐみんの心尽しごはん」より「いなり寿司」をお届けします。
Assorted Seafood Sashimi 50,000 KRW (USD 44.1)
SLAY RIDE DROPS Dec 3rd online and Dec 6 in stores! Make sure to use #macpatrickstarrr
猪皮来家里快一年了 超速成长基因+后天吃饭非常努力 逐渐现出圆形!! 虽然变猪猪... 但是依旧超萌超可爱的鸭~ 希望以后能跟大家一起陪着猪皮长大 一起爱猪皮吼~
This video is about whipped back stitch
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