Of course I needed a dark navy 1920 s slip to wear under my new blue lace dress so here is how I made one using the same 1920 s pattern I made for the dress with a few modifications of course Again another project that is much easier to make if one chooses a friendlier fabric unlike me These shoes are from American Duchess btw More from me But wait there s more A PO BOX finally wahoo First a disclaimer So many of you have kindly offered to send me things including vintage items you may have inherited and I am so honored you would think of me and of course I do adore vintage treasures however unfortunately I only have so much storage space currently So there is a chance that if something just wont work for me or doesn t fit me etc that I may not be able to keep all of your lovely things Please only send things if you are okay with the possibility that I may donate items I just cannot keep If you would prefer I put things that I can t keep into the TCH Etsy shop to help raise funds for me and the channel please specify this in a note or letter in your parcel Thank you so much Bianca EspositoPO Box 632177Highlands Ranch CO 80163Thank you for watching
This 1-pound Chihuahua puppy was born with backwards legs and needed to be syringe fed around-the-clock, but his foster mom helped...
寿司屋の仕込みの一部始終を動画で紹介しています よろしければチャンネル登録お願いします
Rolled Ice Creams, coconut ice creams variations.
Hey guys! In today's Art Journal Thursday episode I'm going to show you how to paint cotton candy clouds with watercolors for begi...
いちごのネイル、レースフレンチ、ギンガムチェックの描き方です♪ 〇使用している道具 brush&pallet→https://irotoironail.com/gel-brush/ base gel→https://irotoironail.com/parag...
TRY NOT TO LAUGH CHALLENGE-Large Dog Afraid of Cat Dogs And Cats Living Together In Peace: https://snifftheworld.com/2017/06/24/do...
【かぎ針編み】NEW楕円の編み方(1段~10段まで) https://youtu.be/kTnH6Np6GAU
洗濯ばさみを編みくるんで猫を作りました 手が動くので、何かを掴んだり物につかまったり出来ます 小さいのも大きのも可愛いと思います
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