Making a Basket from PINE NEEDLES | Start to Finish Project

by Wild She Goes

Making a Basket from PINE NEEDLES | Start to Finish Project


A short video for all of you curious on how a pine needle basket is made Of course I am still a beginner and the baskets are always a little imperfect but nevertheless the process is very enjoyable If you can get your hands on some needles than give it a go I HIGHLY suggest you to check the resources I listed down below as there are lots of more in depth videos from people that have been making baskets for a long long long time For this basket it took me about 6h to make it It might take longer if this is your first basket MATERIALS For this basket I used 100g of dried pine needles THREAD Macrame Waxed Thread NEEDLES any wide eyed strong needle will do look for tapestry embroidery needles PLIERS any kind of round or flat nose pliers TO LEARN MORE USEFUL VIDEOS MUSIC USED _________________________________________________________________________SHOW SOME LOVE ON



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