I ve always fallen in love with pretty dresses especially if they are fit for a fancy ball or straight out of a fairytale I recently got two huge taffeta curtains at Goodwill and didn t know what to do with them until I saw a dress by Teuta Matoshi that seemed perfect for the curtains see link below CORRECTION Fabric is Dupioni not Taffeta face palm Stay tuned for a behind the scenes video of this process COMING SOON DISCLAIMER No copyright is claimed in creating my own version of a Teuta Matoshi dress and to the extent that material may appear to be infringed I assert that such alleged infringement is permissible under fair use principles in U S fashion copyright laws as I do not claim it as my own nor am I selling it or the pattern for profit If you believe material has been used in an unauthorized manner please contact the poster Watch My Video Talking About Fashion Copyright What is Legal What I listened to watched while Sewing Audio Books Finished listening to Love War Alex Eliza 2 Movies Shows 4 Episodes of Mad Men 5 Episodes of Bones 4 Episodes of Selling Sunset S2 Finished Season 15 of Project Runway Watched the Documentary Operation Toussaint on Prime Highly Reccomend Supplies Tools Fabric Goodwill Curtain Dupioni Lining Joanne sInvisible ZipperMetallic ThreadSewing Machine Janome 405 old Serger Baby Lock Evolve old Fabric Yardage Used Taffeta Fabric 8 Yards could get more to be safe Lining Fabric 5 5 Yards1 4 yard fuzzible mid weight interfacingFollow Along Camera Filming Equipment Vlog Video Camera Cannon G7X Mark IIPhoto Camera old Cannon Rebel T3i
海外でも人気のダイヤモンドネイル。 やり方はどうやるんだろう? ジェルでやるには何が必要?? ということで、必要なアイテムと、手順をおさえつつ実際に挑戦してみました。 今回は、ハートを埋め込む方法で撮影してみましたよ。 ブログも参考にどうぞ♪ 「ダイヤモンドネ...
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Hand embroidery designs | Flower tree design
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阿阿阿大家對不起~~忘了說9/17才上市!! QQ已經有人白跑了嗚嗚很抱歉!!!
HEY EVERYONE... Welcome Back to my channel!!! Hi, How Are Ya? Today we are having a makeup artist battle! Two of my best friends w...
Gペン動画で描いた作品をPCに取り込んで色を塗りました。 スキャナが無いので魔法を使っています。
안녕하세요 슈앤트리 입니다 :)
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