LINKS! Charlotte Tilbury UK Charlotte Tilbury US CultBeautyBox https://www.cultbeauty...
Happy Monday Everyone Finally I finished everything for my upcoming solo show that I spent a whole year working on I feel like for the past 3 years I was constantly overwhelmed with art shows and other projects I really want to take a break from that and focus more on making videos That being said I have an idea for a new series As a big fan of ASMR I m a fan of ASMR myself and I ve always found the sounds of making a sculpture quite relaxing and fascinating so I figured I would record them for you guys I was literally holding my breath while recording some of the footage haha I wanna name it The Sound Of Sculpting or The Sound Of Making Art Which one do you like better If you guys have any name suggestions lemme know Here is the first video for this series I would love to hear about your feedback on this new idea If you like this kind of video I would definitely get a better and more professional microphone for recording sounds The sound quality in this video is not the best because it was recorded on my camera I m super excited about this idea and I really hope you guys enjoy it This pillow tray is a gift for a friend so it s not available Love Tina FAQWhat type of clay do you use Epoxy clay Apoxie Sculpt white What do you use to smooth out the clay Water What spray paint did you use Montana Gold Acrylic Spray Paint in Goldchrome What do you use to seal your sculptures Art resin STAY IN TOUCH CONTACTFor Business Inquiries Collaborations tina yu artist gmail com MUSIC asmr sculpting artvideo
LINKS! Charlotte Tilbury UK Charlotte Tilbury US CultBeautyBox https://www.cultbeauty...
材料 Ingredients 紅茶 Tea 10g 水 Water 200g グラニュー糖 Granulated sugar 200g 炭酸水 Soda 適量
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