Making a Needle Lace Collar || Worth Gown Project

by Enchanted Rose Costumes

Making a Needle Lace Collar ||  Worth Gown Project


Welcome to the next instalment of Making a Worth Gown Today I am showing the next step in learning to make the lace for my elaborate battenberg lace collar Morgan DonnerIf you want to see what else is scheduled for CoCo Vid click the schedule link below RIBBON BADGE GAME CODE for Badge x8ocrkRibbon collecting is a time honored bonding tradition at Costume College attendees are able to decorate their name badges with unique ribbons collected by attending certain events or classes CoCoVid is joining in onthis spirited adventure with our very own virtual badge collection game More Info in the Schedule above CoCoVid CostubeMENTIONS Lace Tape sources PHOTO CREDIT All Photos of the 1895 Velvet and Lace Worth Gown are from The Metropolitan Museum of ArtThe following links are affiliated links if you decide to purchase something from them it won t cost you extra but I may receive a small commission which helps me to purchase materials for this channel BOOK S Starting Needlepoint Lace Valerie GrimwoodPriscilla Battenberg Point Lace Book c 1912 An Edwardian Era Instruction Book in Needle Lace MakingTOOLS Clover Leather ThimbleStork ScissorsSz 12 Pearl Cotton ThreadSz 10 Cotton Crochet threadFILMING EQUIPMENT Camera Canon Rebel T5i DSLR Kit 18 55mm similar model Canon T6i DSLR Kit Lens Canon EF 50mm f 1 8 STM Lighting GVM 560 LED Video Lights 2 pack Mic Blue Yeti Silver voiceover PowerDeWise Professional Grade Lavalier Lapel Microphone OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTSFor business enquiries only please EnchantedRoseCostumes gmail com Sorry I do not take personal dressmaking commissions



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