Making a Robe à la Française : Part Two

by Angela Clayton

Making a Robe à la Française : Part Two


PART ONE This video includes a paid promotion for Skillshare Things Mentioned NOTE amazon links are affiliate linksFabric from Hamed Fabrics in NYC Shoes paired with dress are from American Duchess Videos Mentioned References If you are interested in seeing more of my work or contacting me I ll leave links to my various sites below Email AngelaCostumery gmail com serious inquires only please About me My name is Angela Clayton I m a twenty year old designer and seamstress who is currently living on Long Island in NY I ve been sewing for five years and focused on period costumes and original designs for the last three I make costumes for fun and to expand my skill set so I can hopefully get a job in the industry someday I can be contacted with inquires about paid work via the email above My dress form is a 10 12 display form from buystoreshelving com Music Luminous Rain Kevin MacLeod incompetech com Licensed under Creative Commons By Attribution 3 0 License



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