다이소에서 만원으로 카네이션 미니화환 만들기! 어버이날...
다이소에서 만원 이하 재료비로 구입해서 직접 만든 카네이션 미니화환을 소개해요
How teapots are made on a throwing wheel Pottery made from Stoneware clay Ronald Pothier is a potter from Quebec Watch as he transforms a hunk of clay into a finished teapot Ronald Pothier is a potter having started all the way back in 1973 at only the age 13 Today he works out of his studio in Hemmingford Quebec where he produces beautiful ceramic pieces of art Bowls plates cups vases teapots and more they are strong and practical for everyday use in your kitchen Watch as Ronald throws two different teapot designs with such confidence and ease He makes it look easy but throwing clay on a wheel is quite the workout while also requiring a fine level of finesse Later on Ronald explains how he fires decorates and glazes his pottery and then we see the final result of all the hard work It s a multistage process that takes several weeks to complete and decades of experience to perfect Ronald is a fantastic teacher and holds classes on Saturdays Whether you re a beginner or experienced in throwing you are welcome to sign up Visit Ronald s website for more information If you re ever passing through Hemmingford and want to stop by you can see his opening hours on his Facebook page Le Potier Pothier Address 146 Route 202 West Hemmingford Quebec CanadaAmazon Links How can you support us create more videos Karolina is an artist she does pet portraits commissions and has a full shop of art Youtuber s get a special discount Use the promo code ST YOUTUBE5 when ordering Thanks Music credits All Music Performed by Simon Pothier Nocturne in E Flat Major Op 9 No 2 by Frederic Chopin Gymnopédie No 1 by Erik SatieStereokroma We are also on Twitter Instagram Stereokroma 2016 Stereokroma Creative Services G P
다이소에서 만원 이하 재료비로 구입해서 직접 만든 카네이션 미니화환을 소개해요
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emjlefebvre/
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