I hope you all enjoyed a more chatty video and found a few things helpful Thank you for watching I can be found on Facebook and Instagram at Yellow Cottage Soaperyroyalty free music by Kevin Macleod
meiji The Chocolate のパッケージが可愛いので空き箱を使っておしゃれなミニポーチを作ってみました♪ 手縫いで作ります! 手縫いは苦手ですが、ミニポーチは縫う量が少ないのでがんばれました(^_^;)
他にもネイル動画たくさん! 是非チャンネル登録お願いします…! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvRF8d7NBj_aKmzbK1GnmJw?sub_confirmation=1
Tatehana Wharf Sunday Morning Market at 5am - located in the harbour of Hachinohe - a town in Aomori, Northern Japan -
#Tricks #BeautyHacks #DIY
There are lots of different kinds of pastries out there and for each type there are hundreds of slightly different ways to do it. ...
Hello everyone, welcome to our channel. We mainly make nail art compilation videos. We do not own the videos. Credits are below :)...
Feral Kitten Bonds With New Dog Mom | When this family took in a feral kitten with an injured tail, their dog immediately took him...
오늘의 메뉴는 바로 멘보샤입니다. 식빵에 새우완자를 샌드해서 낮은 온도에서 오래오래튀겨서 겉은 바삭하고, 속은 새우살이 탱글탱글해요! 항상 중식당에서만 먹다가 집에서 만들어 본 건 처음이였는데, 갓 튀겼을 때 바로 먹으니 너무너무 맛...
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