Making My Favorite Red - Handmade Watercolors

by arleebean

Making My Favorite Red - Handmade Watercolors


MATERIALS Pigments Binder I used a local honey Other Tools I am an Amazon Jackson s and Blick Affiliate and purchasing ANY items using these links will help support this channel at no addition cost to you Thank you Let s connect See the things I m interested in currently You might enjoy them for yourself or it s a good way to gift something to me if you ve ever wanted to do that Please don t feel obligated to do that however PO BOX Arleesha YetzerPO Box 127 Hamburg PA 19526 United StatesMUSIC www epidemicsound com This video is sponsored by Skillshare



즉석에서 튀겨주는 닭강정 (seasoned spicy ...

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今日の動画は妹が撮影しました。しまちゃんのお世話は主に妹がしてくれているので撮影が私(兄)でないことも増えるかと思います。 どうしても今はしまちゃんメインの動画になりがちですが、ポムさんメインの動画も今までと変わらず作るので心配しないでください^^

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