Tiramisú de Chocolate y Caram...
Deliciosa versión del famoso Tiramisú, con Cremoso de Chocolate y Café, bizcocho al Café, Ganache de Mascarpone y Vainilla, y Glas...
Making some christmassy Mickey ears while i cough my lungs out and also answer some November asks and mess around with my sister If you wanted a better look at the completed ears don t fret I m filming my outfit at Disneyland on Friday and i shall show them there Stay Cozy fam p s i haven t made my new winter intro yet so that s why there isn t one p p s i didn t come up with the wreath ear idea it s been around for a long ass time and i just wanted to make my own pair November AsksFog Perfect November weather Grey A book that you want to read this November Thanksgiving Favourite thanksgiving food Mittens Your must have November item Euphony Three songs that make you think of November Photograph A photograph you took last November Warmth Your favourite November outfit Deer Favourite November activity Baking Favourite thing to bake in November Poetry Do you like to write If so what do you write Gingerbread Favourite type of cookie Frost Are you excited for it to snow Why or why not Chill Favourite warm drink Skating Do you know how to skate Cabin Some things that you associate with November Forest What s the best part about November where you live Lights Do you put up your christmas lights in November Or do you wait until December wasn t able to find a source for this tag found via Tumblr Supplies Used All from JoAnn sHeadBandMini Wreath GarlandHot GluePlaid fabricMini BellsFelt Snowflakes OutfitCape Jacket Yesstyle comTurtleneck Forever 21Leggings Forever 21Slippers Amazon MusicWhite Christmas Piano Cover Fabrizio Caligaris Instagramsimply_kenna Business emailmckenna kaelin yahoo com This video is not sponsored
Deliciosa versión del famoso Tiramisú, con Cremoso de Chocolate y Café, bizcocho al Café, Ganache de Mascarpone y Vainilla, y Glas...
カラフル可愛い♡フルーツゼリーレシピ ベスト12
↓かねこのチャンネルで捌いている動画だよ↓ https://youtu.be/U7l25KjXV4c
簡単にできる春っぽいネックレス作ってみました!観ていただけたら嬉しいです♡ この動画の訳は翻訳機を使っています。 This video uses a translator. Twitter TKMchannel @channelTKM TKM ブログ ...
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姉妹子猫リリとリムが遊んでる姿を見て、羨ましそうに眺めている柴犬リキ♪ リキ「僕も遊ぶ!父ちゃん遊ぼ!」と父ちゃんを誘ってきました(#^^#) 父ちゃんと遊んでもらって大喜びのリキ♪ 大好きなリコーダーも出てきたからテンション上がっちゃって声が大きくなっちゃっ...
セカンドチャンネル↓ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAoF8Cd5bcQoTgKJ3MOjD8w
はなの誕生日に沢山のメッセージをありがとうございます!懐かしい、子猫だったころのはなです。子猫っていつまでも見ていられる。もしかしてまるも、そんな気持ちだったりして!? Thank you for many celebration messages on Ha...
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