こねこ 190603
cafevlog cafe vlog 이 영상은 우유자조금관리위원회의 유료광고를 포함하고 있습니다 이번 영상에서는 K MILK 인증 유제품을 활용해 초코밀크쉐이크 ABC밀크 바나나맛우유푸딩을 만들어 봤어요 K MILK는 국산우유만을 사용하여 만든 신선하고 안전한 우유 유제품을 보증하는 인증마크 입니다 오늘도 시청해주셔서 감사합니다 This video contains a paid advertisement of the Milk Self Assistance Management Committee In this video I made chocolate milk shake ABC milk and banana flavored milk pudding using K MILK certified dairy products Thanks for watching 이벤트 공지 영상을 보시고 배달의 민족에서 주문 메모에 유튜브푸딩 이라고 적어주시면선착순 10명에게는 푸딩을 같이 보내드릴게요 8월 26일 오후12시 부터 소진 시까지 IksonLAKEY INSPIRED
寒くなってきたので、カーペットをポカポカにしています♡ ニャンズより、柴犬の方がお気に入りでゴロゴロ幸せそうです(*´艸`) リリリムに子猫リタも加わり、三姉妹は遊ぶのも楽しそう♪ リリリム姉妹もまだまだ子供?!甘えん坊は今までと一緒♡ そして、ニャンズのママ...
How to make Popcorn - Pop on a corn วิธีที่จะทำให้ข้าวโพดคั่ว - ป๊อปในข้าวโพด Subscribe for more: https://goo.gl/rWR53z ----------...
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video where I share all of my fav beauty products from the month of March with you guys! I hope...
え なにこれ今日のさくら超かわいい、かわいくない?かわいいんですけどまじかわいい
Hi babes, today I have so many bomb pieces to share with you in my HUGE BACK TO SCHOOL HAUL! Enjoy (; Everything linked below
Well well well, cats for you again. But this time, even better, even funnier, even more hilarious! We know you like these furries ...
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here's a video where I try out the new Milani Screen Queen foundation as well as the Salt n Peppa collect...
Hey you guys ! OMG THIS VIDEO is LONG overdue! but again I've been so busy haha. I don't think i'll ever not be busy again.
This tutorial goes through laying down gold foil on canvas prints for a large solid area. I did this outside using the basic gold ...
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