Raindrops earrings. How to mak...
Raindrops earrings. How to make beaded earring. Jewelry making
Here is what you ll need MANGO LIME CHEESECAKEServings 8 10INGREDIENTSCrust8 digestive biscuits 1 tablespoon sugar 50 grams butter Cheesecake3 large mangos or 6 small yellow mangos peeled diced 900 grams cream cheese at room temperature 225 grams plus 2 tablespoons sugar3 large eggs at room temperature2 egg yolks at room temperatureZest and juice of 2 limes250 milliliters sour creamPREPARATION1 Preheat your oven to 190 C 375 F 2 Place biscuits into a ziplock bag and crush using a rolling pin until crumbled 3 Pour crumbs into a bowl along with sugar and melted butter and mix until well combined 4 Pour crust mix into a 9 inch springform cake pan Use a measuring up to press into the base and partially up the sides 5 Bake for 8 10 minutes until lightly golden Set aside to cool 6 Using a blender puree mangos until smooth Set aside 7 In a large bowl whisk together cream cheese and sugar until smooth 8 Add the eggs 500 milliliters mango puree and lime zest whisking until combined 9 Pour cheesecake filling into cooled crust Lower oven to 160 C 325 F bake for 1 hour 10 Remove cheesecake from oven and allow to rest for 15 minutes Centre will still by jiggly Increase temperature to 190 C 375 F 11 In a small bowl combine sour cream 1 tablespoon sugar and lime juice Spread the sweetened sour cream on top of the cheesecake 12 Use remaining mango puree to decorate the top Create your own pattern of dots using a toothpick to swirl the pattern 13 Return cheesecake to the oven and bake for an additional 20 minutes Turn the oven off and allow the cheesecake to cool inside with the oven door cracked for 1 hour 14 Cover the top of the pan with clingfilm and chill overnight in the fridge before serving Enjoy Inspired by Check us out on Facebook facebook com buzzfeedtastyMUSICLicensed via Audio Network
Raindrops earrings. How to make beaded earring. Jewelry making
After doing Lady Gaga’s makeup a couple of months ago, I was so excited to see what her next big launch would be, so after reveali...
最初は見向きもしなかったウェットフードを食べるようになりました^^ ただただ食べているだけですがかわいい様子に癒されます♬
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프레첼을 올려 구워 귀여운 초코 마들렌을 만들었어요! ▼▽▼▽구독하고~ 좋아요!누르고 공유 부탁드려요!^^▼▽▼▽ 더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥For more detailed recipes, pl...
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