Maple, River and Otter Aty PartⅠ[Otter life Day 162] もみじと川とカワウソアティ

by Aty

Maple, River and Otter Aty PartⅠ[Otter life Day 162] もみじと川とカワウソアティ


We went to the river camping in Nasushiobara in 3 days and 2 nights Nasushiobara was full of nature and the autumn leaves were very beautiful The temperature was low and it was quite cold but Aty was fine In the 2nd half it became a video that a man is just cooking Here is the campsite where we stayed this time Aty Shop is here You can buy Aty Shirt pillows mugs or etc at hereInstagram Facebook Twitter otter Aty maple



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