【回覆網友】凱咪線上教室 解決大家在『底妝』上的疑難雜症‼️
哇~凱咪首度回覆網友影片出爐啦🎉 這次要來回答大家關於「底妝」的問題🤓 如果也有相同底妝的雜症的同學 這支影片你一定要仔細看完唷🙌🏻 --------------------------------------------------------------...
Lechon is a Filipino delicacy roast pig and the golden skin will blow your taste buds with crunchiness and flavor Lechon Diva is legendary in the Philippines and throughout the world for cooking one of the best versions and a gourmet version of Filipino lechon This is no ordinary lechon her lechon is stuffed with truffle rice I arrived early in order to see the process as they set the table 4 pigs 26 kilos of rice and a never ending supply of crabs oxtail and vegetables really an ultimate Filipino boodle fight The lechon was unbelievably delicious the combination of the skin the oozy truffle rice and the meat We had an amazing time experiencing a Filipino food tradition boodle fight and one of the best lechon s you ll find in the world Thank you again to Lechon Diva and team for an outstanding lechon boodle fight experience Thank you to David The Hungry Tourist for organizing People featured in this video CAMERA GEAR I used to make this video these are affiliate links FOLLOW Thank you for watching
哇~凱咪首度回覆網友影片出爐啦🎉 這次要來回答大家關於「底妝」的問題🤓 如果也有相同底妝的雜症的同學 這支影片你一定要仔細看完唷🙌🏻 --------------------------------------------------------------...
Puppies, 2 days old.
パーティーキッチンでは「おいしい!たのしい!おもてなし。」をテーマに料理レシピなどを投稿しています🎉 いいね!やコメントをいただけると、すごく嬉しいです😉👍 リクエストもお待ちしてます🍊
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