Meringues Recipe

by darlene tran

Meringues Recipe


READ if u wantHellooHope you liked it here s the recipe Feel free to half double or triple the recipe Music Three Books Those WillowsIngredients 2 egg whites 1 4 tsp cream of tartar optional 1 2 cup sugar food coloring I used gel pastel food coloring in the colors pink and yellow optional Steps 1 Separate 2 eggs Put egg whites into bowl 2 Add cream of tartar if you have it on hand This will help stabilize your egg whites 3 Beat with stand mixer hand mixer or by handusing a whisk good luck don t worry it s possible 4 When the egg whites look frothy gradually add in the sugar 5 Continue mixing and scapre down the sides of the bowl with a rubber spatula 5 Keep mixing until thick flavoring You can use any type of extracts or vanilla bean paste or cocoa powder or something 6 Then add food coloring or leave it as is 7 Beat until stiff or semi stiff peaks show When you lift the whisk the peak should stick straight up or droop a little bit 8 You might need to scrape the bowl and mix again if there s still ingredients not incorporated Now is a good time to preheat your oven to 225 F 9 Add a tip to a piping bag and snip off the end Make sure the tip is well stuck at the end Fold the top of the bag over 10 Add your meringue and roll up the sides And twist to close the top so nothing spills out 11 Put a silpat or sheet of parchment paper onto a baking sheet 12 Pipe out the meringue Sometimes I like to make weird shapes 13 Bake meringues at 225 F Depending on how mich your meringues are the time it takes will differ If your meringues are bigger it will take longer It usually takes over and hour and a half so keep an eye on your meringues To check if they are done I touch it lightly It shouldn t be squishy or stick to my finger The outside should be hard and my finger shouldn t change the shape If it s hard I ll try to pull it off the baking sheet and eat it If its dry i turn off the oven and take them out 14 When cooled place them in a ziploc bag or a container Then all you gotz to do is share it with your family and friends or eat it on your own Either way have fun Until next time Dar



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