Coconut Bean Curry (vegan) ☆ コ...
Coconut oil (JPN)
I received some new products from Miniature Sweet to try DSuper cute the jellyfishes and mushrooms inclusions Loved the floating glitter and the unicorn beads The floating glitter allow a uniform distribution on the resin and a magical effect Everything is just gorgeous and good quality as usual DAll the products are from Miniature Sweet and can be found here Affiliate Link MUSIC
Coconut oil (JPN)
Today's nail art tutorial will show you how to create this gorgeous geode inspired design! This nail design is super quick and eas...
皆さんこんばんは。 元美容部員の和田さん。です♡
後半はたまちゃんがノアとのイチャイチャを撮るようにやりたかったんですよ。 難しい。
알록달록 상큼한 과일을 넣은 젤리 케이크를 만들었어요! ▼▽▼▽구독하고~ 좋아요!누르고 공유 부탁드려요!^^▼▽▼▽ 더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥For more detailed recipes, p...
Just look how all these cats and kittens behave, play, fail, make funny sounds, react to different things,... So ridiculous, funny...
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底妝 / 眼影 / 唇彩 / 腮紅 一次滿足!! 台灣第一個專櫃已開, 在忠孝Sogo 有興趣的可以擠過去摸摸(是擠沒錯!! 剛開櫃都是人山人海的~) ✌ More Catie ⇊ --------------------------------------...
長雨が続いていますね…。 我が家では、アヒル部屋の椅子にキノコが生える程、ジメジメしています。 ブチモコピコは雨が大好きなので問題ないようです。 ブッチーなんて嬉しすぎてひっくり返っています(笑)
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