Colourpop SO JADED Palette | 3...
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video where I show you how to create 3 looks using the So Jaded palette! I hope you enjoy! Than...
モーニングルーティーンの動画です 何もない ゴロゴロする日 良かったらチャンネル登録お願いします いつも使用しているメイクブラシはこちらで購入しました 熊野筆セット
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video where I show you how to create 3 looks using the So Jaded palette! I hope you enjoy! Than...
2月14日是西式情人節。 這次介紹用巧克力&西洋梨做的 超級香濃的蛋糕! 送給someone special OR 自己吃 都是up to you。 Let's enjoy Chocolate Heaven~!(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و MASA YouTube頻道:...
Hi guys, today I'm sharing a fall decor shop with me at Homegoods, Target, JoAnns, Dollar General and Menards. I"m also sharing a ...
4 months ago he couldn't even swim across the river. Now he is free to cross the river, swim in the fierce currents, and eat his f...
小貓(Kuromitsu),這個玩具是最喜歡的。 [博客]訂閱MAKO0MAKO0頻道:➡︎https:? //
Ooh I had so much fun playing around with watercolors this month, and I love the results! What theme should I do next?
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