優しく包んでもみもみと。 【blog https://ameblo.jp/nesuko2ne2si/entry-12321533552.html】 Subscribe to MAKO0MAKO0 Channel!: ➡︎https://www.youtube....
Thanks for Watching Cake Hacks Videos and Hope You Enjoy Join the notification squad Click the BELL icon to get updated as soon as a video is uploaded How To Make a Mirror Glaze Recipe INGREDIENTS for 8 servings1 ¼ cups water 300 mL 1 ½ cups sugar 300 g 14 oz sweetened condensed milk 1 can 395 g 15 gelatin sheets26 oz white chocolate chopped over 30 cocoa butter 735 g 1 tablespoon gel food coloring of choice PREPARATION 1 Boil the water sugar and condensed milk in a pot for 1 minute then remove from heat2 Bloom the gelatin sheets in 8 cups 2 liters of cold water for 5 minutes then wring the gelatin sheets of excess water and mix into the sugar mixture 3 Pour the liquid over the chocolate letting it sit for 2 3 minutes to allow the chocolate to soften 4 Using an immersion blender carefully blend the chocolate and the liquid making sure that you are not blending in air bubbles by lifting up the blender too high It s okay to go slow just make sure it s all blended with as little bubbles as possible which will show up in the final product 5 Sieve the mix into a large jug or vertical container to remove any excess bubbles If there are still bubbles continue to sieve back and forth A trick to remove air bubbles from the surface is to manually pop them with a toothpick or to press cling film into the surface and remove the bubbles 6 Separate the glaze into different containers and color them to your desire 7 We used red and white for this cake Blend the coloring with the glaze until the color is distributed evenly then cover each container with the cling film pressing the film into the glaze to ensure that there is no skin when you are ready to use the glaze 8 When you are ready to use the glaze make sure each one is around 90 96 F then pour the colored glazes back into one container Swirl them if you d like then glaze your cake Music Credits Deamn Save Me TheFatRat Fly Away feat Anjulie OZsound Memories Keyword Search mirrorglaze cakedecoratingvideos cakes cakehacks yummycakeWelcome to Cake Hacks We aim to bring our audience the internets most mouth watering cake content so yummy delicious and amazing that you ll want to eat it yourself Please LIKE SUBSCRIBE SHARE
優しく包んでもみもみと。 【blog https://ameblo.jp/nesuko2ne2si/entry-12321533552.html】 Subscribe to MAKO0MAKO0 Channel!: ➡︎https://www.youtube....
本日11月10日はコタロー2歳の誕生日! 1歳の誕生日は鯛のお頭でお祝いしましたが、今年はカワウソ専用寿司「コタ寿司」を作ってあげました。 シャリはササミと鶏ミンチを使ってみましたが、ミンチがちょうどご飯っぽくなって本物の寿司みたいになりました。
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