Border design hand embroidery ...
#malina_gm - top embroidery on my channel Border design hand embroidery * Romanian stitch easy stitches : chain stitch or stem...
The move went OK Thank you everyone for your kind words However It was not a fun thing to do to say the least My flowerhorn Pollock had bit of a hard time with it His colors are a little duller than usual I set up the new tank first and moved the old filter The next day I moved him So it was nearly a 100 water change for him He was recovering fine before the move but after he seems a litter weaker than usual Hopefully the things go back to normal soon The volcano tank went through a few changes over the last few months I finally decided on how to make the lid so that I can put the fish in it I ve ordered the fish and as soon as I get them I ll make the update video Loomster dealt with the move like a champ I just drained around 30 of the water into a bucket then drained the rest of the tank and left about 1 inch of water above the dwarf hair grass That s how I moved the tank with everyone in it I also took the bucket water with me so in the end the tank only got around 50 water change I think that made things much easier for everyone in the tank Kartoffel s tank was done the similar way as Loomster s However Kartoffel got spooked and thrashed around the tank a few times That s how he lost a few scales and his caudal fin got ripped He is doing much better now Although the tips of his caudal fin has 2 split ends that don t seem to go away It s not getting any bigger so for now I m just gonna observe and see if it gets any worse I have just started to film again recently I think most of the updates will come starting next month Thank you all so much for sticking with this channel Erik Satie Gymnopedie No 3 played by Christophers787Debussy Clair de lune played by PMG Projects
#malina_gm - top embroidery on my channel Border design hand embroidery * Romanian stitch easy stitches : chain stitch or stem...
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