janmashtami special rangoli de...
janmashtami special rangoli design krishnashtami rangoli simple rangoli kolam Krishnastami special rangoli Thank You for watchin...
The move went OK Thank you everyone for your kind words However It was not a fun thing to do to say the least My flowerhorn Pollock had bit of a hard time with it His colors are a little duller than usual I set up the new tank first and moved the old filter The next day I moved him So it was nearly a 100 water change for him He was recovering fine before the move but after he seems a litter weaker than usual Hopefully the things go back to normal soon The volcano tank went through a few changes over the last few months I finally decided on how to make the lid so that I can put the fish in it I ve ordered the fish and as soon as I get them I ll make the update video Loomster dealt with the move like a champ I just drained around 30 of the water into a bucket then drained the rest of the tank and left about 1 inch of water above the dwarf hair grass That s how I moved the tank with everyone in it I also took the bucket water with me so in the end the tank only got around 50 water change I think that made things much easier for everyone in the tank Kartoffel s tank was done the similar way as Loomster s However Kartoffel got spooked and thrashed around the tank a few times That s how he lost a few scales and his caudal fin got ripped He is doing much better now Although the tips of his caudal fin has 2 split ends that don t seem to go away It s not getting any bigger so for now I m just gonna observe and see if it gets any worse I have just started to film again recently I think most of the updates will come starting next month Thank you all so much for sticking with this channel Erik Satie Gymnopedie No 3 played by Christophers787Debussy Clair de lune played by PMG Projects
janmashtami special rangoli design krishnashtami rangoli simple rangoli kolam Krishnastami special rangoli Thank You for watchin...
Moso Mom has been a big fan of actor Jackie Chan for 40 or so years, so of course we knew about Hong Kong's Dragon's Beard Candy. ...
レシピは土井善晴さんを参考にしています。 ☞ Find ME SNS ☜ …fav items https://room.rakuten.co.jp/us0g1/
The cutest flower pots ever! We painted a sweet little sloth, but only your imagination is the limit! Materials available at www.p...
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戯れすぎて興奮した豆大福たちが水入れに足を浸けてしまう光景がおもしろいです^^ 何事もなかったかのように走り回る様子がかわいいです♬
인스타그램 : https://www.instagram.com/silver_snow_/ 이메일 : eunsul9988@hanmail.net 블로그: http://blog.naver.com/eunsul9988 네이버 tv : http:/...
こんにちは!!!!こうじょうちょーです!! 今日はつかめる水の知育菓子を見つけたので作ってみました(๑╹ω╹๑ ) 特大サイズが作りたかったのですが、、、、、、、。。。
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