Behind The Scenes at Crumbs & ...
I had so much fun last night and met loads of you guys. Thanks for coming! If you didn't get to come along, don't forget you can m...
Hope you guys enjoyed this huge haul of my hoarded pen collection Comment down there if you also have this problem like me hhahah MY SHOP tictail com pypahsartshopall the stuff i mentioned Koi Sakura Brush Pens Tombow Dual Brush Pens Calligraphy Pens Pentel Brush Pen Tombow Fudenosuke Brush Pen Sakura Pigma Brush pen set Zig Kuretake Brush Pens Art N Fly 24 Dual Brush Tip Fineliner Pens Scribblicious Felt Tip Pens Actually 3 Winsor Newton Promarkers and Brushmarkers skin tone set metallic set Art N Fly Brushmarkers Skin Tone Set Art N Fly Brushmarkers Grey Tone Set Art N Fly 48 Brushmarker set w Blender TouchOnly Twin markers 80 pack Crayola Supertips Zebra Mildliners Sharpies 28 pack Art N Fly 6 Fineliners set Faber Castell Wallet Pitt Pen Nibs Art Set Banggood 8pc fineliners Micron 02 black Micron 02 blue Uni Ball Pin 0 5 fineliner TheStudyKiosk erasable cute pens use my code PYPAH for 10 off Berol 0 6 fineliner Pentel EnerGel 0 7mm Gel Pen Gelly Roll Pen Art N Fly white gel pen Signo white gel pen Posca white pen Copic Ciao YR02 Paperchase handwriting pen Uni ball eye Rollerball red wine Signo Um 153 gold pen Pilot G 1 silver pen Faber Castell PITT Artist Pen Copper ________________________________________________________________________________business email filipa vaz santos hotmail com________________________________________FAQ How old are you 20 You have a weird accent Where are you from I m from Portugal but have been learning English since i was 3yrs old so my accent is a messy European English ahaha Where do you live I m currently living in Leeds UK studying Animation x When did you start drawing Been drawing since I was very very teeny tiny but only started taking it seriously when i was about 11yrs old x________________________________________ some links in the description may be affiliate links but they have no effect on prices or reviews dw
I had so much fun last night and met loads of you guys. Thanks for coming! If you didn't get to come along, don't forget you can m...
ワクチン接種に行くオデコと豆大福がかわいいです^^ 豆大福は大人しく、オデコは賑やかでした♬
This week we have borrowed Nonna Igea from another YouTube channel, Vincenzo's Plate - go check him out! She shares her recipe for...
These cats just love doing their own little thing. Come and watch as these cute cats break stuff and ignore their owner anyway the...
◆アウトレットピーク ◆楽天ブランドアベニュー
Что в живописи важнее -цвет или тон? Цвет увидеть легче. Чтобы быть живописцем необходимо различать разницу в полтона - так считал...
いつも動画のご視聴ありがとうございます。 動画内の猫2匹は知り合いの保護団体さんを通じて保健所から引き取りました。 保健所に収容されたのは子猫のみで、残念ながら母猫と一緒ではありませんでした。
Для вышивки вам потребуется лента атласная красного и белого цветов шириной 1,2 см, лента зеленого цвета шириной 0,6 см, капронов...
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