This is Clarisonic Mia Smart 3! But goes it live up to the hype? Lets fine out!
Hey skincare AND makeup junkies I hope you are all well and safe wherever you are in the world It has been a while since I ve posted a makeup tutorial right So I thought I would share how I do my flawless base makeup using all my favorites from Pat McGrath Labs Her products make applying makeup easy because they actually are THAT GOOD Lately I have been into lighter foundation creams for blush and less contour for my everyday face I will also be guiding you through each step of this tutorial with some relaxing asmr style Jadey whispers I hope this video brings you calm and relaxing vibes Please let me know your thoughts in comments below ILY Jadey Ps I got my bottom lip filler removed and I m SO happy with how they look I have one more round to remove the top Feeling more back to my natural self Let me know if you guys want a video on my thoughts about fillers xx Pat Products Used Concealer Under eye powder Concealer brush Primer Foundation Powder Foundation brush Highlighter balm Lipstick Thank you to patmcgrathlabs for partnering with me on this tutorial Im so honored patmcgrathrealJewelry Please LIKE and Subscribe SNAPCHAT Jademarie123
This is Clarisonic Mia Smart 3! But goes it live up to the hype? Lets fine out!
Homemade guacamole is a classic. It's easy to make and loaded with fresh, high quality ingredients like; avocados, lime juice, on...
零失誤!一分鐘學會芋頭椰香西米露 天冷來一杯暖心暖胃暖肚皮~❤️
嗨各位不好意思~~ 因為自己搞錯時間的關係,造成密集發片XDD 擠在一起~ 之後會多注意安排一下QQ愛你們~
LET'S PLANT! EP 140 - My succulents won in the annual competition! のせ猫オフィシャルブログ かご猫Blog http://kagonekoshir...
#猫 #子猫 #ぽてと #cat #kitten 冬が来る前にぽてちゃんにあったかい猫用ベッドを買ってみたのだ が…予想外の使い方をしてほっこりする動画。
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大阪の冬は昨年から異常に暖かく、多肉植物にとっては良い環境? 久々の撮影ですが、皆順調に育っています^^
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