My True Velvet Lipsticks are back with new shades!

by Lisa Eldridge

My True Velvet Lipsticks are back with new shades!


The rings I m wearing in this tutorial are Lisa Eldridge The Elizabeth Cushion Cut Iolite in 18ct GoldLisa Eldridge The Lisa Oval Cut Emerald in 18ct GoldLisa Eldridge X Follow me on Snapchat THELISAELDRIDGEDisclaimerI can t guarantee that all of the make up and skincare products I recommend will suit you I only use products I personally think are good having tried them on myself and my clients but everyone s skin is different and it s possible to be allergic to anything Wherever possible test products out on yourself before purchasing I only feature products I like or want to try The products I use in these videos are either purchased by me or sent to me by make up companies to use in my professional capacity as a make up artist for fashion and celebrity photo shoots red carpet etc I am also sent products by many of the top magazines to judge for awards I do not accept payment and am not sponsored to make any of the films on this channel Some of the links under the videos and blog posts on my site are affiliated however and as stated before I only feature products I like or want to try



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