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Pusic's 4th birthday! We gave him a large box with gifts. Total weight 34kg (75 lb)/ What's inside? 400 cans of catfood and pleasu...
I was in Tokyo back in May for my birthday, and I thought it was very, very important to record & talk about the amazing, wonderou...
ダンディな父ちゃんがコーヒーメーカーでコーヒーを淹れると、音でコタローが走ってきます。 オレにもダンディくれよ!と言ってきますが、小僧のコタローに飲ませるわけにいきません。 諦めて綾鷹を開けて飲もうとしますが開きません。 そんな小僧コタローは水素水を愛飲してい...
Learn how to make nine easy and unique clay marbled earrings for your summer time fun! Whether it's a date night or fun time with ...
Welcome back to another episode of Tina Tries It! I’ve been loving the brushed up fluffy brow look, so I wanted to see which produ...
Hey everyone, welcome BACK to my channel! Today we are going on a makeup adventure of trying new products, full of conversations, ...
こんにちは♡Shioneです! 今回はfasioの新作マスカラを紹介します♡
YOU. BETTER. BLEND. Today I brought back my makeup soulmate, Lipstick Nick to recreate another Blood Sugar palette campaign look t...
◆可愛い野良猫動画を毎日配信中!チャンネル登録お願いします↓ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCftvr4AjFL2vVcF-3dteG2w?sub_confirmation=1
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