猫と紙袋 Cat and Paper bag
天が(私にとって)初めての猫だから、私にとっての猫の基準は天なんだけど、世間で言われてる猫と一致しない点が多くてあれぇ?ってなる。 紙袋の件もそうだし、ダンボールや鍋や狭い所が好きって聞いて色々用意してるのにそんなもの目もくれない。 思い通りにならないのが猫、...
NAIL TUTORIAL GOLD RED FRENCH GLAM GEL NAILS LIGHT ELEGANCEGet all the products or find your closest distributor at www lightelegance comPHILADELPHIA CLASS September 22 VICTORIA BC CANADA September 26 or 27 EUROPE STOCKHOLM Hud och kosmetikmässan 6 7 Sept Light Elegance BoothHELSINKI Trade Show Oct 19 20 Light Elegance BoothMUNICH Trade Show Oct 27 28 Light Elegance BoothICG LE ON TOUR Gothenburg and Oslo October no specific date yet BELGIUM November not official yet TO GET ALL THE LATEST INFORMATION SIGN UP TO MY NEWSLETTER AT CELINARYDEN COM These are ALL the classes and travels I have planned for 2018 so far If I schedule something else I will put it up on my own website Don t forget to subscribe and click on that little notification bell to be a part of the notificationsquad That way you won t miss my next video when it comes out Thank you so much for watching Much love If you don t have a distributor in your country send an email to sales lightelegance com and they ll help you out CHAT WITH ME WEBSITE www celinaryden com sign up for the newsletter to become a part of the NAILSQUAD and get all the VIP info about classes and trade shows etc SNAPCHAT celinarydenTWITTER celinarydenEMAIL BUSINESS INQUIRIES ONLY hello celinaryden com Light Elegance Ambassador and International Educator please visit www lightelegance com for more information about the products and where to buy them your closest distributor If you have any questions on prizes log in how to buy the products from your country etc please send an email to sales lightelegance com If you have questions about the sandwhich technique or how the Light Elegance products work please check out my videos How to get started with Light Elegance and How to work with Light Elegance I shoot my nail pictures with my Nikon D7500 and edit with Photoshop or Lightroom on my computer The videos and shot with my Sony 6500 and vlogs with my Sony 5100 or Canon Legria Mini X and edited in Final Cut Pro I DON T TAKE ON NEW CLIENTS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE To find out where my upcoming classes will be check out my website www celinaryden com and sign up for the newsletter
天が(私にとって)初めての猫だから、私にとっての猫の基準は天なんだけど、世間で言われてる猫と一致しない点が多くてあれぇ?ってなる。 紙袋の件もそうだし、ダンボールや鍋や狭い所が好きって聞いて色々用意してるのにそんなもの目もくれない。 思い通りにならないのが猫、...
This is how the best butter in France is made. Artisans at Le Beurre Bordier hand-shape butter in front of you.
The one where I get back onto the Monthly Favourites bandwagon and ramble on about my love for Jazz music and show you some fun ph...
This week Chef Atari teaches you how to make a Shawarma Cinnamon Roll. Tatste delicious!!
※早送りで見たい方へ 【PC】画面右下の設定⇒速度⇒標準をお好みの倍速に変更 【スマホ】画面をタッチ⇒1番右の︙ボタンをタッチ⇒再生速度
Just as the title suggests, we tried to make tempura using shrimp and soba. It may sound like a joke initially, but it actually ta...
#uncinetto #pochette #uncinettoargento
No music version // https://youtu.be/d3K4R65pjDE
女生看到赶紧转发 男生看到赶紧收藏 只需3张方纸就能做出优雅玫瑰花。 祝天下情人~情人节快乐
My Links: Classes on SkillShare: http://skl.sh/2m8tPPP Support me on Patreon: http://bit.ly/1VepszF Etsy Shop: http://etsy.me/1OQ...
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