NATASHA DENONA - NEW Chroma Crystal Liquid Eyeshadows

by Michele Wang

NATASHA DENONA - NEW Chroma Crystal Liquid Eyeshadows


Thanks so much for tuning into today s video NATASHA DENONA NEW Chroma Crystal Liquid Eyeshadows Hope you enjoy xoxo Product mentioned Timestamps 2 05 Swatches7 30 DemoOther products I m wearing Nail polish Gelixir 116My big moonstone ring is from Lucifer Vir Honestus pearl gold ring from Lene Vibe All rings are one of a kind My last name is spelled Wang pronounced like WongMailing address Michele Wang10620 Southern Highlands PkwySuite 110 20Las Vegas NV 89141Shop through these affiliate links to support this channel bookmark them for easy access EBATES Get Cash Back when you shop online Get 10 welcome bonus when you spend 25 In order to get Cash Back you have to shop through Ebates website or app Follow me at Instagram Makeup Beauty themichelewangInstagram Knitting Food mishi2xFacts about me for reference Age 45Skin Type Dry Sensitive eczema prone but occasionally comboSkin Tone Neutral warmer in the t zone cooler on the cheeks Music Moment of Change by Vincent Tone from Premiumbeat comDisclaimerI feature products of my choosing I am not a makeup artist merely a makeup and beauty enthusiast The products I use in these videos are either purchased by me or sent to me by companies which I will always disclose I do not accept payment and am not sponsored to make any of the videos on this channel Some of the links in this description box are affiliated My opinions reflected in these videos are 100 my own



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