Needle tatting. Flower bracelet and earrings / Фриволите иглой. Браслет и серьги из мотивов-цветков

by Hobby Point by Anastasiya

Needle tatting. Flower bracelet and earrings / Фриволите иглой. Браслет и серьги из мотивов-цветков


Flower earrings and a bracelet for needle tatters EXPAND FOR MORE DETAILS _______________________________________________________You can support my channel by watching ads subscribing to my channel hitting Like button and sharing the video leaving your comments under the video_______________________________________________________For this project you will need thread in the video I use YarnArt Violet 282 m 50 g 100 cotton pearl cotton size 12 8 2 jump rings a clasp an extender chain 2 earring hooks a tatting needle 7 scissors a crochet hook a needle threader crystal beads number depends on your bracelet length pliers If you ve enjoyed this video hit the like button below and subscribe to my channel not to miss the next video ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________PS if your stitches are too tight and it s difficult to pull out the needle try to use pliers hold the needle and pull it out needletatting tattebracelet tattedearrings




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