NEVER BUY SUGAR AGAIN! | Sugarcane Harvest, FIGS! HUGE Garden Workday

by Kaye Kittrell | Late Bloomer Urban Organic Garden Show

NEVER BUY SUGAR AGAIN! | Sugarcane Harvest, FIGS! HUGE Garden Workday


Kaye shares a huge garden workday with Erick harvesting sugarcane potatoes corn and scaling back the driveway garden Kaye grows an edible garden in Los Angeles and lives sustainably on the grid SUBSCRIBE so you won t miss out Ways to support this channel Order a T shirt 6 Styles Order through our Amazon Affiliate link Music by Epidemic Sound Late Bloomer follows Kaye s journey to grow food in her Los Angeles front yard and exists to inspire anyone to grow their own food Kaye s vlog covers gardens travel adventure and interesting people Please share Comments welcome Thanks for all your support KayeJoin me on your favorite social media sites lateboomershow latebloomershow



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