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Hi everyone I have a review on the new limited edition Becca eye and face palettes The Pop Goes the Glow Champagne Face Eye palette has 5 multi use shades that can be used on the eyes as well as the cheeks The Pearl Glow Shimmering Eye palette has 3 brand new finishes which include luminous matte and pearlescent What do you guys think I hope you find this helpful thank you so much for watching and please subscribe for more videos Sephora Beauty Insider Event Holiday Bonus ROUGE 20 OFF NOVEMBER 1ST 11TH VIB 15 OFF NOVEMBER 7TH 11TH INSIDER 10 OFF NOVEMBER 7TH 11THMy Makeup Becca Pop Goes the Glow Champagne Pop Face Eye Palette 58 00 Becca Pearl Glow Shimmering Eye Palette 40 00 Becca Skin Love Glow Elixir Becca Soft Light Blurring Powder Golden Hour Becca Liptuitive Glow Gloss Anastasia Brow Wiz Ebony Smila Smudge stick Waterproof Eye liner Benefit they re Real Mascara Becca Ultimate Coverage Creme Olive Tarte Creaseless Concealer Light Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray Email Business Only vsobeauty gmail comInstagram mellow2beautyDISCLAIMER I am not a makeup artist I have a passion for makeup fashion and lifestyle The opinions given on all products mentioned are solely my own Thank you and I really appreciate your support
In this week's polymer clay and resin tutorial, learn how to make this Fake wood resin ring DIY. This project requires no power to...
#malina_gm watch the best video tutorials on YouTube Flower Fantasy Macrame * Easy Bead Work Amazing Hand Embroidery for your b...
Hi Everyone! I'm calling this a return to the stars as I've decided to have another go now that I've upskilled a bit to one of my ...
Lauren Stowell and Abby Cox of American Duchess show us how to achieve the “ski slope” hair style, as featured in their latest pub...
完成サイズ 11cm×7cm マチ3cm
※早送りで見たい方へ 【PC】画面右下の設定⇒速度⇒標準をお好みの倍速に変更 【スマホ】画面をタッチ⇒1番右の︙ボタンをタッチ⇒再生速度
ベッドに上がろうとしていた子猫リタ♪ その横に柴犬リキが寝ていました(#^^#) リタはリキのお耳をペロリ♥ でも、なめてないよ~って毛繕い(*´艸`) リキもビックリする間もなく、リタの空気に巻き込まれちゃった♥ リタは、み~~んなの距離をどんどん近くしてく...
Introducing... The Mini Velour Liquid Lipstick NUDES: VOLUME ONE
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