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참고로 밥 먹은지 얼마 안됐어요 노을이가 요즘 식욕이 늘었어요
vv OPEN ME vv CLICK ON SHOW MORE vvA huge thank you to Nordstrom for sponsoring this video And always a big big thank you to all of you for tuning in and watching my videos Today s video is my Nordstrom Anniversary Sale Haul and some extras I picked up Don t forget to subscribe if you don t want to miss any of my videos Products mentioned Kiehl s Bath and Shower Liquid Body Cleanser in Grapefruit sold outMy last name is spelled Wang pronounced like WongMailing address Michele Wang10620 Southern Highlands PkwySuite 110 20Las Vegas NV 89141Follow me at Instagram Makeup Beauty themichelewangInstagram Food mishi2xInstagram Miss Fuzzy Butters missfuzzybuttersTwitter themichelewangTikTok themichelewangFacts about me for reference Age 46Skin Type Dry Sensitive eczema prone but occasionally comboSkin Tone Neutral warmer in the t zone cooler on the cheeks DisclaimerI feature products of my choosing I am not a makeup artist merely a makeup and beauty enthusiast The products I use in these videos are either purchased by me or sent to me by companies which I will always disclose Some of the links in this description box are affiliated My opinions reflected in these videos are 100 my own
참고로 밥 먹은지 얼마 안됐어요 노을이가 요즘 식욕이 늘었어요
#額頭那是一道疤 #不是粉底沒有推勻 / 發問前請先詳閱資訊欄喔~感謝!! / / 如果你喜歡我的影片歡迎訂閱~我們下支影片再見囉♡ 粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/tangful/ Follow my Instagram ...
「猫かわいい」 すごくかわいい子猫 - 最も面白い猫の映画2017 #128 https://youtu.be/PQb53NDZrQA #猫かわいい #猫
Hi guys, and welcome to my Pastel Daydreams colab with Stacey Ward.
안녕하세요! 제리팝입니다 :D 이번에는 '조로리의 이타즈라 네루네루'라는 포핀쿠킨을 만들어 봤는데요!
We had some extra pumpkin and purple sweet potato filling for Halloween in the refrigerator, so we baked some kneaded pumpkin brea...
もも「てーん💕今日も可愛いね!」 天 「僕今忙しいから後にしてくれニャ(`・ω・´)」 もも「一人前に威張ってる〜💕可愛い〜(๑-◡-๑)」 天 「(`・ω・´)💦」
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