NOT SPONSORED Conair Cordless Automated Curling Iron by really So do you guys remember I tested this product that was made by another brand which was supposed to come out SO YEAH it seems like Conair went and bought the exclusive rights for it Oh and they did not update anything from the prototype which had some issues It s an alright tool but I feel like this was really rushed and there is lack of care for the end user Let me know your thoughts about this whole situation Products Used Mentioned Some links rstyle amzn shopstyle shrsl above are affiliate links If you purchase I will make a very small commission Your price will not increase Thank you for supporting what I do on this channel FTC Not a sponsored video Follow Me Here BUSINESS INQUIRIES ONLY milana milabuco comThank you so much for spending time with me and watching this video XO MilabuHi and welcome to my channel I am a Beauty Addict and love to create how to beauty tutorials for short hair and hairstyles Fashion and some dry humor parodies I try to make my videos informative creative and most importantly entertaining I love interacting with my viewers Let s get to know each other Love Milabu milabu hair
イケア製のシャークが負傷したので大蛇を購入してきました!なぜだろう。口の中に顔を入れて挟まれたがるビンゴです。 ◆チャンネル登録お願いします! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpRS2Kp3cYnbjVuTagu3JYQ ー...
幅広の肩ヒモで、肩への負担が少ないショルダーバッグです。 見た目は小さいですが、雑誌も入る大きさで、普段使いに大活躍のバッグです。
DIY! リボンの正しくてキレイな結び方をご紹介します! 表裏のあるリボンでの結び方です、袋の時と、箱の時を解説! ちょっとしたラッピング、プレゼントにも役に立つコツです^^ 初心者さんでもできる、簡単かわいい手作りリボン結びの作り方! 使用しているリボンはダ...
◆ヒカキン&セイキン新曲『今』予告編 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-gq6vtyqrs
Hoy tejemos bolsa a crochet estilo jardinera🌺 Aplicamos el punto #crochet # 26 https://youtu.be/2jEfrirF35M
No music version // https://youtu.be/d3K4R65pjDE
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