Nutella Pancakes CAKE | Chocolate, hazelnut, Hershey kisses | How To Cake It with Yolanda Gampp
How To Cake It Yolanda Gampp shows how to make a delicious pancake breakfast from chocolate cake Nutella and Hershey kisses with fondant banana slices and rich ganache The incredibly realistic banana is painted with vanilla and cocoa powder and the entire cake is stacked with the iconic chocolate hazelnut spread oozing in between layers Welcome to How To Cake It with Yolanda Gampp Every Tuesday at 11am EST a new jaw dropping novelty cake creation is posted If you like watching eggs sugar and butter be turned into giant versions of your favorite foods and characters then come join us Buttercream cakes are also featured and taken to new heights Each episode includes the A Z process of making one of a kind cakes You learn tips and tricks about carving icing with buttercream ganache and frosting applying and painting fondant and simple creative tricks to make cakes look SUPER realistic and gorgeous Leave a comment with your cake idea and you may just see it on the channel Just search up the cake you love and you ll find step by step instructions baking noveltycake nutellaTHE HOW TO CAKE IT TEAMEditor Orhan SumenCinematographer Cody ClayProducers Jocelyn Mercer Connie Contardi
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